Second Hand Clothes Sale

We would like to say a big thank you to all those who donated clothes to our second-hand clothing sale as well as to those who came along on Wednesday. The learners are very pleased to announce that a total of £104.10 was made. The left over clothing has been bagged up ready for ‘Dragon Bags’ to collect next Wednesday which will raise additional money for the school. 

A special well done and thank you to the learners in Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne and to the Eco-Committee for organising and running this event; all learners worked particularly hard. It was great to see the learners in Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne using their money skills learnt in lessons recently to count totals and give change when serving their customers. The learners in Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne and the Eco-Committee plan to use the money raised to develop our Forest School area. 

We hope you enjoy your new clothing and thank you for helping us protect our environment by recycling!