Bollywood Dance

The learners had a great morning participating within a dance workshop today from ‘Dance Days’. The younger learners experienced Bollywood dancing to support their learning of India. The learners engaged well and had some great moves. Well done everybody!


Learners in Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been busy this week learning about traditional Indian foods and how India has impacted on food available in the United Kingdom. We have read the story’ Bilal Cooks Daal’ and then worked together to make some of our own red lentil dahl to taste. We talked about and smelt the spices and observed the changes in the ingredients when they were heated. 

Special Buildings

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been learning about the Taj Mahal. Some of the learners co-constructed their own success criteria based on the features of the Taj Mahal, to then use to create their own special buildings with their chosen materials.  The younger learners also did a brilliant job of constructing their own special buildings using various materials they found around the classroom and outdoors. 

Coconut Ladoos

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne enjoyed the experience of making Indian coconut ladoos in class and showed great team work throughout. The learners followed instructions carefully and used their measuring skills to measure out the ingredients accurately. Well done everyone!


Following our learning about Indian clothing, Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been learning about cotton and how the United Kingdom relies on other countries such as India to get this due to them having the correct weather conditions to grow it. The learners explored the life cycle of a cotton T-shirt and learnt about tie dying. They had great fun creating their own bright tie-dyed T-shirts to resemble the vibrant colours used in Indian clothing. Don’t they all look great! 

Traditional Indian Clothes

The learners in Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne wore their own home clothes to school this week to compare these with traditional Indian clothing. The learners were excited to try on some Indian clothes and were able to find some similarities and differences between these and their own clothes.


Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have started their theme of ‘Diversity’ this term. The learners located India on a map and compared it to the United Kingdom. They worked hard to carry out some of their own research using technology, maps and books to find out information about the country.

Special Books

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have learnt about the Torah this week. As part of this, the learners created scrolls with their own special messages in. Some examples of these included, ‘Be kind to one another and treat everyone as you want to be treated’ and ‘Be nice to one another and listen so everyone can speak. Look after the plants so the Earth is colourful and peaceful’. The learners also had the opportunity to bring in their own special book to share with the class and then carried out a piece of work on this. 

Star of David Art

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been learning about the Star of David and have been creating some artwork inspired by this. The learners started by exploring different media to see which they felt was going to be best for their final design and then experimented with colour and pattern to see which colours they felt worked well together. The learners thought of words to describe their patterns and came up with words such as ‘bright’, ‘happy’, ‘warm’ and ‘cold’. Some of the learners practised drawing the Star of David before then creating their final pieces of artwork. All learners have tried particularly hard throughout our lessons and have created some amazing art!