Dealing With Worries

Gail and Jane from CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services), as well as Kirsty Williams, the Vice Chief Executive of Powys Teaching Health Board, visited us! Learners explored the term ”worry” and strategies to help us manage our emotions, and feelings of worry.

Welly Walk

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been learning about living and non-living things and had fun on a welly walk this week searching for these around the village. We found lots of living things, such as the trees, flowers and animals, and lots of non-living things like bins, cars and houses. Great searching everyone! 

Stick Weaving

Dosbarth Miss Powell have had a creative morning, stick weaving! It was a fantastic experience and learners have all created either a caterpillar, or a snake to take home.. Beware!

We would like to express our huge thanks to Sue, (and her assistant Sian) for the resources, the time and the support. Diolch yn fawr iawn.

Eco-Schools Platinum status!

The Eco-Committee would like to share some exciting news with you all! 

We have been awarded the Eco-Schools Platinum status for another year running, and have received excellent feedback from our external Eco officer who visited us this week. 

A big well done to everybody for this achievement, especially to the Eco-Committee who have worked tremendously hard to lead on this! 

Visit from Sophie

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been lucky enough to have a visit from Sophie this week who spent some time living in India. Prior to Sophie’s visit, in class we have learnt about what questions are, why we ask them and how to write them. The learners created some brilliant questions of their own to ask Sophie so that they could find out more information about India and about her experience of living there. Some of the learners worked as a group to create some questions together and other learners typed their own questions up on the computer. We would like to say a big thank you to Sophie for very kindly coming in!

Caribbean Dancing

The learners had a great morning participating within a dance workshop today from ‘Dance Days’. The older learners experienced Caribbean dancing to support their learning of Windrush. The learners engaged well and had some great moves. Well done everybody!