Ordering the Planets

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been learning about the planets in our solar system. The learners were introduced to the mnemonic ‘My Very Excellent Mum Just Served Us Noodles’ and used this to draw and order the planets. The learners thought carefully about the size and appearance of each of the planets when drawing these with chalk outdoors.


Llawer o hwyl in CLWB this afternoon. Learners coded Microbits and had lots of laughs along the way!

Powys Cross Country

We are so proud of our learners who attended the Powys Schools Cross Country event – Da iawn pawb. All learners improved performance, from the previous year. We’d like to thank all parents who attended, who enabled this opportunity for our learners.

โ€ผ๏ธA huge thank you to Mr and Mrs Allport, who volunteered to adopt the role of our team manager. Diolch yn fawr iawn both! โ€ผ๏ธ