Swansea WW2 trip

Dosbarth Mrs Curtis had an early start on Thursday morning travelling in style, on a VIP bus to Swansea. First stop was the Dylan Thomas theatre to see the play, ‘Arandora Star’. Where we learnt all about Welsh/Italians living in south Wales during WW2 and how they were treated during this time. This was followed by a question and answer session with the cast.

After lunch we had a quick walk around the waterfront, before going to the Waterfront Museum to take part in a WW2 workshop.


Dosbarth Mrs Curtis have been looking at explosions this week. We put vinegar and warm water in a bag and dropped bicarbonate of soda in and sealed the bag. We stood back and watched the bag explode!

Next lesson we will be turning this into a scientific investigation by changing the independent variable and measuring the dependent variable.

Draw with Rob

For our art lesson this week, dosbarth Mrs Curtis introduced dosbarth Miss Powell to “Draw with Rob”. We followed Rob Biddulph’s step by step video of how to draw a stegosaurus called ‘Gregosaurus’.


Dosbarth Mrs Curtis, then picked another animal to draw.

Gwaith anhygoel pawb.

Lego WeDo

Dosbarth Mrs Curtis have been using the Lego WeDo sets and app, to make Milo the Science Rover. We then added a motion sensor, that will be used to detect the presence of a corpse flower in the Indonesian rainforest.


Once our Science Rovers were built, we used the Lego WeDo app to program the rovers to stop and sound an alarm when it found the corpse flower.