
In club this afternoon we used our team building skills to create dens with multiple areas. All learners enjoyed being out in the fresh air.

Brecon Foodbank

This week Dosbarth Mrs Curtis welcomed Lyn Bugler from Brecon Foodbank to talk to us about the roles of these vital services. We are going to tell you all about our visit at our Harvest assembly.

We will be collecting items for Llandrindod Wells Food Bank over the next couple of weeks. School Council would like to ask for a donation off the shopping list if you are able to. Diolch pawb!


This week in after school club, learners followed ‘Dŵdl Shwmae, Su’mae’ yn Gymraeg (all in Welsh!) and made bird feeders!

Presteigne Festival Project

Today we welcomed Alison & Sarah from the Presteigne Festival Project in to work with our blwyddyn 6 children! We walked into the village with Gladestry year 6’s and found a spot by the water where we used our senses to take notes about our surroundings. As a team we then gathered a word bank ready for the next step of the project.

Victorian Cooking

As part of their learning of the Victorian era, Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne made Victorian bread and butter. We followed a recipe carefully and used our mathematical skills to measure out the correct ingredients. Once the bread had been cooked and the butter was ready, we then had the opportunity to eat it all up…. yum yum!


This week Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been introduced to the Victorian era. We talked about how Victorians lived and compared Victorian houses to modern-day houses. We also had the opportunity to explore a variety of real Victorian household objects and compared these to household objects from now. We worked together to sort these.