Busy Day

Dosbarth Mrs Smith had a very busy day on Friday. In the morning we worked with Sarah from Presteigne Festival Project to come up with ideas for the music for our song we produced back last half term. We then finished off the morning with a Children in Need quiz. This afternoon we spoke about the things we’re thankful for and then ended our day with our Impelo dance session.

New Radnor Castle

This week, we have been learning about the castle in New Radnor a long time ago. We went on a walk up Castle Mound to see where this once was. We then worked in groups to create our own castles using junk and described these, using our mathematical skills to help us.

Victorian Day

Yesterday we had a Victorian day where we dressed up in Victorian clothes and had the opportunity to learn about what school life was like in Victorian times. We pretended we were in a Victorian school which was very different to school life now. Even Mrs Lingard had to wear the dunces hat for talking when she shouldn’t have been! We also explored Victorian clothes and toys and made our own cup and ball toy. Lastly, we played some Victorian yard games which were great fun.