Dina School

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have all been very excited to welcome two of our newest members of the class. Dina and Wally have joined to help the children learn about all sorts of topics related to ‘Health and Well-Being’. This week they have introduced the ‘Dina rules’ to support the children in understanding why we have rules and how we follow these. Watch this space for more posts about our time in ‘Dina School’.

Outdoor Phonics

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been busy outdoors in their phonics lessons. Some of these activities have involved the learners going on word hunts and practising to write words containing the sounds they have been learning using the chalk. Learners then worked hard to put these words into sentences.

Chinese New Year

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been learning about Chinese New Year. We read the Chinese New Year Story and carried out some maths around this to develop our understanding of ordinal numbers and number words. We also explored some Chinese items and created some Chinese dragon craft.