Dosbarth Miss Powell and dosbarth Mrs Curtis went on a welly walk during their Health and Well-being session this week. We all enjoyed being able to get out and explore our local area.
This week in Health and Wellbeing, learners collaborated to devise a 10 minute warm up suitable for our Hockey session. The learners had to plan pulse raising and game specific activities and include relevant stretches.
Dosbarth Miss Powell were introduced to the art of tinkering to explore the inner workings of a pc, using screwdrivers and old pc towers. Tinkering is the process of taking things apart and looking at how things work. Gwaith arddechog pawb!
Today the KS2 learners participated in rownd 2 of the Cwis Dim Clem. Whilst we were not successful today, learners should be very proud to have made the top 12 out of a total of 28 schools. Gwaith wych, pawb!
Dosbarth Mrs Curtis and Dosbarth Miss Powell have been developing our hockey skills this term. Learners have demonstrated excellent resilience, perseverance and listening skills. Da iawn pawb!
As part of Safer Internet Day on the 8th February, we explored how to be a digital citizen of Wales through our Minecraft challenge. Today we focused on..
What does being a Responsible Digital Citizen mean?
We have had great fun celebrating Chinese New Year this week. We have learnt a lot and was able to explore different Chinese items, including Chinese red money envelopes, a lantern and a Chinese scroll. We also made our own Chinese dragons and danced with these and tried some Chinese food
As part of our learning, Dosbarth Miss Powell investigated conductors and insulators of electricity. There was some excellent scientific discussion on the types of materials that conduct electricity and the use of conductors and insulators in real-life contexts.