Our Senses

Over the week Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have carried out a variety of experiments to explore our senses.

We smelt a variety of things including mint, vinegar, perfume and orange.

We tried lemon, chocolate, salty popcorn, jam and cheese puffs. The lemon was very sour!

Lego WeDo

Dosbarth Mrs Curtis have been using the Lego WeDo sets and app, to make Milo the Science Rover. We then added a motion sensor, that will be used to detect the presence of a corpse flower in the Indonesian rainforest.


Once our Science Rovers were built, we used the Lego WeDo app to program the rovers to stop and sound an alarm when it found the corpse flower.






Dosbarth Mrs Curtis and dosbarth Miss Powell have been looking at Henri Rousseau, and his painting; Tiger in a tropical storm (Surprised).

We have been using this painting as inspiration, to produce our own ‘Synnu’ art work.

They all look amazing!

Da iawn bawb

Size of Wales workshop

On Friday dosbarth Mrs Curtis and dosbarth Miss Powell took part in a rainforest workshop from Size of Wales. Size of Wales is a Welsh charity with a mission to sustain an area of tropical forest twice the size of Wales.


During our workshop we looked at the issues of deforestation, climate change and what we can do to help.


Chester Zoo

Dosbarth Mrs Curtis and dosbarth Miss Powell had a fantastic day out at Chester Zoo. Both classes took part in a Rainforest workshop, looking at how animals adapt to their habitats, deforestation and what we can do to protect the rainforest.


We saw lots of animals that we have been learning about in school from the Amazon and the Indonesian Rainforest.



Dosbarth Mrs Curtis have been working out how much carbon is absorbed by the trees in the school field.

First the children measured the circumference of a tree about 1.5m from the ground.

We then used information from ‘Just one tree’ to work out the trees dry weight value in kg.

The carbon stored in the tree is half the dry weight, after dividing the weight by two we had the amount of carbon absorbed by that tree.



We have been learning about coding this week. Some of the children have been programming the Bee-Bot and others have used a variety of resources. We had so much fun.

We had to give Miss Burgoyne instructions to make a jam sandwich. It was quite a buttery mess!

Our Body

This week we have been learning about muscles and how our body moves. Some of us researched facts about muscles, using non fiction books and the internet to create a spider diagram, and some of us went outside to explore our muscles by doing a variety of exercises.