Trip to C.A.T

Dosbarth Miss Powell had a brilliant day yesterday at the Centre for Alternative Technology, as part of our topic, ‘Incredible Inventions’. We deepened our understanding of renewable energy sources and were able to see lots of real-life models. We also had a lot of fun in the workshop where we built and tested model wind turbines, we recorded our results from the voltmeter and then improved on our designs!

We went to West Midlands Safari Park to help us with our topic ’Freezing Lands’. We saw lots of animals, including penguins, seals snd reindeers. We also had a tour around the Ice Age and learnt lots of interesting facts.

Tinkering Time!

Dosbarth Miss Powell were introduced to the art of tinkering to explore the inner workings of a pc, using screwdrivers and old pc towers. Tinkering is the process of taking things apart and looking at how things work. Gwaith arddechog pawb!