
As part of our topic, Incredible Inventions, we are exploring electricity. Today, we discussed with Amanda the electric meter and her role in monitoring our electricity in school. We then created a simple circuit!

Learners leading the learning

This term, Dosbarth Mrs Curtis and Dosbarth Miss Powell have been focusing on ball skills in Health and Wellbeing. To conclude our learning, volunteers from both classes set up and led various football drills to develop core skills such as dribbling, passing, scoring and defending. We are looking forward to next week with different leaders!

Here are the leaders of this week in action…

Draw with Rob

For our art lesson this week, dosbarth Mrs Curtis introduced dosbarth Miss Powell to “Draw with Rob”. We followed Rob Biddulph’s step by step video of how to draw a stegosaurus called ‘Gregosaurus’.


Dosbarth Mrs Curtis, then picked another animal to draw.

Gwaith anhygoel pawb.

Hay Festival

Dosbarth Mrs Curtis had a fantastic day at Hay Festival. We saw three authors, talk about their new books, then had the opportunity to meet them and get books signed.

First we saw Onjail Q Rauf, talk about her new book: The lion above the door.

Next we saw Rob Biddulph and his book Peanut Jones and the illustrated city. We all joined in with a draw with rob session, having a go at drawing Doodle the dog.

The last author we saw, was Emma Carroll talk about her new book: The week at world’s end.

The Animal Man

On Monday the man from Corner Exotics came to our class and showed us lots of exotic animals. We had the opportunity to hold a tarantula, a chameleon, a giant frog, some snakes, a scorpion, a hedgehog and a chinchilla. We had so much fun but also learnt lots of interesting facts. Some of the children overcame their fears of snakes and spiders once they had the hands on experience with the animals and insects.

What a fabulous morning the children had!