Welly Walk

On our welly walk this week, Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne visited Harley Valley to see the stream. We were lucky enough to have the sunshine, so we took our drink and snack! It was a lovely morning out with some great discussions about the stream. 

Bronze Ambassadors

On Friday our Bronze Ambassadors had an excellent session with Maggie Trainor and learnt lots of new activities they could use with our Health & Wellbeing session. They worked hard with Maggie to be confident to give clear instructions and run the session. They have then used these skills they learnt to carry out a team building activity along with Dosbarth Miss Powell. Da iawn Bronze Ambassadors.


To develop our understanding of rivers, we used our bodies to make a river and worked as a group to tell its journey. We started with the source up high and ended in the sea. Along the way we used words such as stream, river, meander, current, tributary and mouth. Bendigedig Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne! 

Lighter and Heavier

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been learning about weight in their Mathematics and Numeracy lessons this week. The learners have explored ‘lighter’ and ‘heavier’, and some have learnt to measure weight using non-standard units and estimate with weight. We have learnt that not all larger objects are heavier than some smaller objects.