Forest School

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been having great fun in their Forest School sessions led by Mrs Lingard. The learners have been making their own imaginative potions and this week they have been making their own paintbrushes and paint using natural resources. As you can see, the learners enjoyed getting messy!

River Animals

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been learning about river animals and on our welly walk this week we decided to take a visit to the Harley Valley to see if we could find any for ourselves. We went on a wildlife hunt and used the magnifiers and identification sheets to name some of the tiny creatures living in the stream. We found lots of creatures, such as tadpoles, pond skaters and water spiders. 


Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been lucky enough to have another visit from Lynsey this week who introduced us to playing the drums using different hand movements. We also continued our learning of beat and rhythm. 

Welly Walk

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been out making the most of the glorious weather on our welly. This week we have linked it to our learning in our Mathematics and Numeracy lessons and went on an odd and even number hunt around the village. 


This morning we welcomed Laura into Dosbarth Mrs Smith to talk about her business as part of our topic. The learners asked some very good questions and listened carefully to the responses. She spoke about the reasons behind setting up Laura Jane fitness and the importance of doing something you love. We then had a very fun Konga session where all learners participated with enthusiasm and we even managed to get some of the staff involved


As part of our shape topic in Maths and numeracy this term, we have been focusing on angles. This week we made the most out of our outdoor space and observed the different types of angles all around us. We then moved on to calculating missing angles within triangles.