
Continuing with our learning of the importance of Dydd Gwyl Dewi, Dosbarth Mrs Smith listened to the story and then participated in an online quiz. All learners got very excited when seeing their team name on the leader board against other Welsh Schools.

Then we ended the day by creating our own conversation animation on Scratch in club this afternoon. Learners worked well in their groups to follow simple instructions and adapt each stage as they wished with the end goal of two characters greeting each other or having a dialogue yn Gymraeg.


As part of our learning on measurement, learners were asked to reason with Miss Powell’s Sat Nav.. We knew that is was faulty and so we used trundle wheels to measure the more accurate distance from Sharon’s Shop to school.

Safer Internet Day

As part of Safer Internet Day on Tuesday, learners in Dosbarth Miss Powell were shocked to read how far Miss Powell’s tweet had travelled across the world! We used iPads to research how far these locations were.