Fruit Tasting

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne read the story ‘Handa’s Suprise’ and then tasted some of the fruits from the story. The children tasted avocado, pineapple, banana, passion fruit, orange and mango. It was delicious!



Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been exploring fossils this week. The children have made their own dinosaur fossils out of clay

The children have also enjoyed understanding the role of a Palaentologist.

They have been using tools to dig out fossils within our continuous provision.

Freezing and Melting

We carried out an experiment using the natural resources that we found to help us learn about freezing and melting. We made some great predictions about what would happen to the ice when we hung it outside.

It took 29 hours for the ice to completely melt!

The Three Bears House

The children in Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne made ‘The Three Bears House’ out of junk modelling that they had collected. The children spent time making furniture, bowls of porridge and one even had a shower in! 

Have a look inside the houses