Over the week Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have carried out a variety of experiments to explore our senses.
Category Archives: Dosbarth 1 Miss Burgoyne
Autumn Craft
Leaf People
Our Body
Our Local Area
Learning about our Local Area
Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been learning all about their local area. The children located different places in New Radnor on Google maps and then went on a Welly Walk to explore the local area.
The children then worked in groups to recreate the local area using junk. They used the photos that they took on the welly walk to help them.
The children made models of the School, Church, 2 houses and Sharon’s Shop!
Welly Walk
This week in Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne’s class the children looked for colours in Smatcher wood with Mrs Dinsdale. Before the children left they predicted how many colours from their colour wheel they would see. The children thought they would find between 2 and 6 colours. They were surprised to find there was actually 9 different colours in leaves, berries, flowers and toadstools!