Welcome back dosbarth Mrs Curtis

The Children in dosbarth Mrs Curtis are happy that they are back in school with their friends. We have been having lessons outside enjoying the new playground and it’s markings, the outdoor classroom and the rainbow picnic benches.

 Playing netball.

 A language, literacy and communication lesson outside. Discussing the reasons for and against children having mobile phones.

 Our new insect hotel being filled with sticks.

 We even have dinner outside, enjoying the spring sunshine.


STEM Challenge

Dosbarth Mrs Curtis have been using what they have learnt about light and reflection to make a periscope. In groups they were given a shoebox, two mirrors and some sellotape. 

After a few attempts they all worked it out.

Art Lesson


Dosbarth Mrs Curtis have been busy creating artwork in the style of famous pieces of art, these will be displayed in a ‘gallery’ in the classroom.

Do you recognise any of these masterpieces?