Bee Keeping

We have been very lucky to have Heather in today telling us all about her job role as a beekeeper and answering lots of our questions about bees and honey. We even got to taste some honey from Heather’s bees…. yum yum!


Dosbarth Mrs Curtis a Dosbarth Miss Powell have been busy this week getting the garden ready for planting vegetables. The children worked in teams to clear the beds. They pulled up dead flowers, (being careful of the bulbs so we can replant next year) and removed all the weeds.

We will be planting our vegetables very soon!


Llongyfarchiadau i Griw Cymraeg! Rydyn ni wedi enill gwobr efydd.

Congratulations to our Criw Cymraeg on gaining the Cymraeg Campus Bronze Award. This celebrates our increasing use and promotion of the Welsh Language.

Next step, gwobr arian (silver award)!

Tregoyd House

Blwyddyn 5 a 6 had a fantastic three days on residential at Tregoyd House. We had the opportunity to take part in Abseiling, Fencing, Sensory Trail, Aeroball, Raft building, Zip Wire and Archery. Followed by evening entertainment; marshmallows and songs around the campfire and hide and seek.

By Friday lunch time everyone was feeling a little bit tired!