
This week Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been introduced to the Victorian era. We talked about how Victorians lived and compared Victorian houses to modern-day houses. We also had the opportunity to explore a variety of real Victorian household objects and compared these to household objects from now. We worked together to sort these.


Learners in Dosbarth Miss Powell explored the term “algorithm’’ today with an unplugged dance activity. We studied a dance clip to discover the algorithm…Think we have some practising to do before we are completely in sync

NFU Live Harvest Lesson

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been learning about Harvest. As part of this we have been wheat detectives to find out which foods contain wheat. We also took part in a live lesson led by NFU Education where we met farmer Hannah to learn all about what happens during a cereals harvest and we joined with children from around the globe to make the world’s biggest combine harvester!