Dosbarth Mrs Curtis and Dosbarth Miss Powell have been creating Indonesian rainforest animals from nature items they have found within the school grounds.
Can you guess the animals?
Dosbarth Mrs Curtis and Dosbarth Miss Powell have been creating a rainforest in the classroom. The children researched animals that live in the Indonesian rainforest. They then decided on an animal that they wanted to draw and used oil pastels, to give them colour.
The animals will be added to our rainforest display in the classroom.
Dosbarth Mrs Curtis have been busy this term making their outdoor area into a wildlife haven.
They have planted flowers and vegetables, made a bug hotel, provided water for hedgehogs and other animals, put out a bee water station, collected rain water for watering their plants and started a compost bin.
The bee’s have even started using our bee box and the children enjoyed having a closer look at the larvae.
Dosbarth Mrs Curtis have had a great time this week with survival skills.
The class had been marooned in the desert, they set up camp, then found a oasis across the desert.
Each group had 2 drain pipes and two sponges, they needed to work out how they could get the water from the oasis back to their camp.
Dosbarth Mrs Curtis have been having fun this week learning and taking part in a team building activity.
The class was split up into four teams, each had to get their whole team across the ‘river’. Each team was given seven ‘rocks’, that they could use to cross the river, if any member of the team fell in, they had to go back to the ‘bank’ to start again.
The teams realised that they had to work together, listen to each other, use problem solving and think about every member of the team to complete this activity.
Each team had a different approach to this activity and they had lots of fun trying out different ways to cross the river.
Dosbarth Mrs Curtis have been looking at the Mars Rover and how it lands on Mars without damaging the payload that collects information.
In teams they had to design and make, a way to drop the payload (an egg) on to the surface of Mars (the playground), without damaging it.
Some eggs survived touch down, better than others.