We have been very lucky to have Heather in today telling us all about her job role as a beekeeper and answering lots of our questions about bees and honey. We even got to taste some honey from Heather’s bees…. yum yum!
We have been learning about seed germination and have carried out an experiment to explore this over the last few weeks. We made predictions, observations and communicated our findings.
This week we have been busy on a minibeast hunt as part of our maths lesson on collecting data. We managed to find a range of minibeasts hiding and made a tally of these to plot onto a graph and answer questions on.
This week we have been learning about the Queen’s Jubilee. As part of this we have been busy making our very own crowns and bunting in preparation for our Jubilee party that we held today.
We have been learning about planting and growing. We planted a range of seeds, beans and flowers in our garden. We also planted our own sunflowers and potted some potatoes to grow.
In Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne, this week we have been busy in maths learning about money. Some of the activities included a coin hunt outside, shop role play and some coin games.