We have been learning about Andy Warhol and have created some minibeast prints based on his work.
Category Archives: Dosbarth 1 Miss Burgoyne
The Queen’s Jubilee
This week we have been learning about the Queen’s Jubilee. As part of this we have been busy making our very own crowns and bunting in preparation for our Jubilee party that we held today.
Observational Drawing
This week we have been learning about observational drawing and drew our own flowers.
Jack and the Beanstalk
This week we have been working hard to retell the story of ’Jack and the Beanstalk’ through role play where we used great expression and actions!
Planting and Growing
We have been learning about planting and growing. We planted a range of seeds, beans and flowers in our garden. We also planted our own sunflowers and potted some potatoes to grow.
Den Building
We have been using our teamwork skills to build dens. We had great fun and made some amazing hideaways!
Maths and Numeracy
In Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne, this week we have been busy in maths learning about money. Some of the activities included a coin hunt outside, shop role play and some coin games.
Jack and the Beanstalk
Within Dosbarth Miss Borgoyne, this terms’s topic is ‘Down in the Garden’. As part of this, we have began to explore the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. This week we have been introduced to the characters in the story and have written character descriptions for some of them. Watch this space for more work linked to the story in the coming weeks.
We went pebble collecting on our welly walk. We used these to paint and retell the Easter Story.
We also made cross sun catchers.
Antarctic Explorers from the Past
We have been learning about Antarctic explorers from the past. We worked in groups to research information about these and shared what we found out with the class.