
Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been learning about forces and have carried out a range of experiments to explore these. The learners made predictions in which they then reflected upon after carrying out the experiments. There was some great thinking going on. Bendigedig Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne!

Outdoor Math

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been working hard in their Mathematics and Numeracy lessons. Some of us have been exploring number bonds to 10 using natural materials and the part-part whole model. Others have been learning to subtract 10 from numbers they have found on their number hunt, using a 100 square to help.

Christmas Biscuits

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been busy baking and decorating some Christmas biscuits this week, as well as creating other Christmas crafts to sell at our Christmas Fair on Friday. The biscuits smell delicious… don’t forget to come along if you can!

Jam Making

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been busy making blackberry jam.. yum yum! We went on a welly walk to pick the blackberries and then froze these. Last week we worked together to make our jam using our mathematical skills to carefully measure out our ingredients, and our literacy skills to follow the recipe. This week we tasted it on some bread and it was delicious! We linked this to our Stone Age theme by discussing how berries were part of the Stone Age diet. 


Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been learning football skills this week for the World Cup. We have learnt to pass, receive the ball, dribble and score a goal. We also watched part of the Wales vs Iran match, created a World Cup bookmark and came to school in red to support Wales.


Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been working hard in Mathematics and Numeracy this week. Some of us have been learning our number bonds using our problem-solving skills to work these out, and others have been learning to add 10 onto numbers.