Chinese New Year

Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been learning about Chinese New Year. We read the Chinese New Year Story and carried out some maths around this to develop our understanding of ordinal numbers and number words. We also explored some Chinese items and created some Chinese dragon craft. 


As part of our learning on dinosaurs, Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have been busy making their own fossils, dinosaur bones and taking role as a palaeontologist. We have also been learning about Mary Anning and worked in groups to create some great fact sheets on her through our research. 


Dosbarth Miss Burgoyne have moved onto learning about dinosaurs as part of our topic and have had great fun using our imagination and creative skills outdoors. Using natural materials we found on our welly walk and some we already had in class, we created our very own dinosaurs. All dinosaurs looked different and were super! We then used these to develop our descriptive writing where the learners came up with some excellent descriptions of their dinosaurs.