Models of New Radnor

Following their work on maps, Dosbarth Un have created models of the significant features of New Radnor. The learners worked collaboratively, thoughtfully selecting their own resources for their models. They made excellent use of the pictures taken during our welly walk to support their work. The learners then moved onto peer assessing each other’s work and responded to the feedback they received. 

Battery Competition Winners!

We are thrilled to share some amazing news with you all!

Today, we had some surprise visitors into school from Powys Recycling and ERP UK Ltd, who announced that we have won the Powys Recycling Battery Competition! Our school recycled an incredible 289.5 kg of batteries – that’s around 6 kilos per pupil! As a reward for this fantastic achievement, we have received some vouchers, which the Eco-Committee will use to support environmental initiatives within our school. A huge thank you to everyone for contributing to this success! Your efforts in recycling have made a big difference to the environment! We would like also to say to a big thank you to Powys Recycling and ERP UK Ltd for organising this.

Maps of New Radnor

Dosbarth Un have been exploring their local area. The learners went on a welly walk to identify significant features of New Radnor, discussing their importance and how they contribute to a sense of belonging within the community. Using the photographs they took during the walk, the learners created their own maps of New Radnor. Some learners drew their maps, while others worked in a group using resources of their choice to design their map collaboratively. Everyone carefully considered the appearance of the significant features, including their size, colour and position. Bendigedig Dosbarth Un!

St Dwynwen’s Day

Dosbarth Un had a lovely time celebrating St Dwynwen’s Day last week. We read the story of St Dwynwen and discussed why St Dwynwen’s day is celebrated in Wales. We made delicious heart biscuits to share together and decorated some hearts to create a school display.


This week, Dosbarth Un moved onto learning about muscles! Our younger learners got hands-on by using their muscles to perform different exercises. They had great fun discussing which muscles were involved in each activity and how their bodies responded. Meanwhile, others took on the challenge of researching muscle facts and created some great group posters to share. 


Dosbarth Un have been busy learning about the skeleton. This week the learners have been on a welly walk to collect natural materials and then used these to make a skeleton and labelled some of its bones. The learners thought carefully about the size and shape of the sticks they needed for the different types of bones. 

Sense of Taste

This week, Dosbarth Un explored their sense of taste and took part in an experiment where they described the different flavours they experienced, such as sour, sweet, and salty. The learners were fantastic at thinking of adjectives and guessing what the foods were.